As announced and promised, I will donate 0.2€ to the „Familienhörbuch“ for each participant in my survey.
There were 500 participants!!!
Many thanks again to all of you. I am therefore happy to donate 100€ to the extremely great project „Familienhörbuch“.

What is that actually? Family audio book?
Here is an excerpt from the website:
„The Familienhörbuch (Family Audiobook) features people, who tell their own stories and life experiences for their small children. They are sick mothers and fathers, who are terminally ill and can no longer accompany their children on their way into adult life.
With the Family Audiobook, questions – big and small – can be answered, through people’s authentic voice, personal, loving.
„Mom, what was your favourite subject in school?“ „Dad, what did you want to be when you were a kid? „
The Family Audiobook is a project from the heartof Judith Gruemmer. She is an experienced radio journalist and audio biographer from Cologne, Germany. In the autumn of 2019 she founded Familienhörbuch gGmbH, which is recognized as a non-profit organization.
The Family Audiobook is financed exclusively by donations and is free of charge for participants.
The narratives are dramaturgically designed using state-of-the-art audio journalism techniques. The audiobooks support the bereaved family, especially the children, in coping their grief and accompany them individually.
All mothers and fathers who are confronted with an incurable, life-shortening diagnosis and still have young children can apply to participate in the project and use the opportunity to record an audiobook.– If you are still in a able to, feel free to contact us.
If you are interested in recording an audiobook you send your request directly to:“
(Familienhörbuch | Die Stimme Ihres Lebens (
Link to the Webpage:

Many thanks to the project. Thank you to all of you who took part in my survey. Debt redeemed. 🙂
Many greetings.