Quiz for celebrities: After an interview, find the sentences you actually said
Oliver Hassencamp

Now the time has come!
I am actively looking for experts to interview for my doctoral thesis with the title:
Effects of the integration of knowledge management in DIN ISO EN 9001:2015 on technical project teams regarding their working culture.
What is it about?
With the revision of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 in 2015, knowledge management (under 7.1.6) was included in the standard. Certified companies are now required to determine the knowledge needed to maintain compliant business operations. This knowledge must be maintained and made available. Now there is a lot of knowledge in a company, but I would like to limit myself here to the area of knowledge that is created in and through technical projects. I would like to find out whether something has changed for the project team in the consumption as well as in the archiving of knowledge.
With this expert interview, I am interested in their opinion and experience as practitioners. I like to stimulate this with my own experience and view in order to achieve added value for my thesis and thus for the research in this subject area with this interview.
Interview guardrails:
I have created a PDF to give you an overview of the content and scope of the interview.
You can find it here:
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I very much hope for your support. Please post a comment here or write to me at
christian@agile-druid.com and I will get back to you.
Thanks a lot.